Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Must Stop Abortion NOW

I know that the words that I am going to write would have a much greater effect if they were written by a former president, a senator or governor or other famous person, but most of the people in high positions seem to be unaware of the thousands of unborn infants that are aborted each day or they wish to avoid a controversial confrontation with pro-abortion groups or perhaps to avoid the loss of some female votes.

Abortion is an evil, despicable crime, but the law against it is not being enforced. In fact, some misguided law makers have enacted laws to prohibit interference with abortion clinics, their operators or staff or their clients. In this respect, some law makers have become law breakers who should be impeached. We must enforce the law against abortion at once. We must shut down the clinics and seize their records. All potential abortion clients should be charged and taken into custody. The charge should be “the planning of a premeditated murder” of her unborn child. She should be confined in a special facility where steps will be taken to protect her unborn infant. She will be put to work to earn her keep. She will be held until the baby is born. The baby will be put up for adoption. She will have gotten rid of her unwanted child without having it killed. She will be warned that another abortion attempt will mean additional prison time after her baby is born. As for clinic personnel, heavy fines will be imposed to support birthing facilities. (4-23-2009)